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MadCat Anniversary

More to come soon including details of the 45th Anniversary HS-1 MadCat

Translated from the Japanese page:

HSAnderson and will debut in 1973, as at that time have made the brand unique and innovative model. Has gained a high reputation in terms of quality is also very original in the history of guitar in Japan, demand is high as the "Japan vintage" in both domestic and international markets today. Its quality will be passed on to the brand, such as Bill Lawrence and the subsequent Aircraft. There are the most popular at the time, reprinted in 2009 limited model "Mad Cat" still have a lot of fans, attracted attention, from the year 2010 has released a strong character models, while low-volume production.

Mad Cat 45 Anniversary re-instruments Moridaira reprint. MAD CAT is also very popular model in the model in HSAnderson, has been handed down as "Meiki" today. It may also have been exported to book or something as "HOHNER" brand at the request of the company HOHNER USA, into the hands of "Prince" is one of them, was used as the main guitar in "Purple Rain" movie model worldwide has risen in popularity. But are sold to produce a small amount reprint temporarily in 2009, was sold out soon enough to be on display over-the-counter instrument shop. This 2011 year, to commemorate the 45th anniversary of its founding in Moridaira instrument (share) from which the release was limited production and re-reprint.

BODY: Flamed Maple (top & back), Ash (middle)
NECK: 1 piece Maple
PICK UP: Bill Lawrence TI, T-II
COLOR: Golden Brown
CASE: Original Case

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